This work is part of a research program on the ethical issues related to the implementation of public policies towards a category of users: "students with disabilities". From the perspective of international comparison (France-Québec), the objective is to focus on the treatment of particular type of beneficiaries, qualified by the universities actors, of "emerging" and / or with an "invisible" disability.
This communication is focused on the reception of concrete mechanisms (Foucault, 1994) by the concerned students. While many works (Bertrand, 2014; Blanc, 2009), are available on the uses of the french “Recognition of Quality of Disabled Worker (RQTH)”, few relate to those of the status of "disabled student." This public class action is, indeed, both recent and quantitatively restricted.
Using data from a national survey conducted by questionnaire to current and former students with disabilities (n = 710) in French universities, we propose to examine the use of these devices in three steps:
- first the existing "modalities" of access and “forms” of uses will be presented: when, with whom and how students become "students with disabilities" and how this approach is taking part of their life and study course?
- Then, we will analyze the experiences of accomodation in order to measure the multiple uses of existing devices and to identify possible resistance to them.
- Finally, we will wonder the evaluation of devices. It appears that the "users" are "satisfied" with the accomodations offered: 92% of them feel they corresponded "strongly" or "somewhat well" to their needs. How do these academic devices manage to compensate disabilities? What limitations may still exist? What is going on with "invisible" and / or "emerging" disabilities?
Bertrand Louis, Caradec Vincent, Eideliman Jean-Sébastien, « Devenir travailleur handicapé. Enjeux individuels, frontières institutionnelles. », Sociologie 2/2014 (Vol. 5) , p. 121-138
Blanc A. (dir.) (2009), L'Insertion professionnelle des travailleurs handicapés. En France de 1987 à nos jours, Paris, PUG, « Handicap, vieillissement, société ».
Foucault M. (1994), La gouvernementalité [1978], in Dits et écrits. 1954-1988, III, Paris Gallimard, p 625-635.
Segon Michaël, Le Roux Nathalie, « Parcours de formation et d'accès à l'emploi des anciens étudiants handicapés. Recours aux dispositifs et dynamiques identitaires», Agora débats/jeunesses 3/2013 (N° 65), p. 77-92
[1] "emerging" or "invisibility" of disability notions will be discussed during a seminar in January 2016. These concepts includes groups of students whose proportion is increasing and ranked in "language and speech disorders " and "mental disorders" catégories.
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