Anders gustavsson, Organising Committee; Astrid Söderbergh-Widding, Vice-Chancellor of Stockholm University; Malin Ekman Aldén, Acting director-general for the Swedish Agency for Participation and Isabelle Ville, President of Alter
Disability and Culture: Representations, Media, and Meaning Making
Room P 216
Anne Waldschmidt
› Hate speech targeted at disabled persons - Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Nordland Research Institute - Terje Olsen, Nordland Research Institute
10:45-11:05 (20min)
Employment and Disability across Europe: Thoughts from the public sector
Room P 232
Marie-Renée Guével
› Employment and Disability across Europe: Thoughts from the public sector - Marie-Renée Guével, Centre de recherche sur l'action publique en Europe, Ecole des hautés études en santé publique - Johanna Gustafsson, Örebro University - Darina Ondrusova, Institute for Labour and Family Research - Alan Roulstone, Leeds University
13:00-13:20 (20min)
› Barriers and facilitators to access paid jobs - Marie-Renée Guével, Centre de recherche sur l'action publique en Europe, Ecole des hautés études en santé publique
13:40-14:00 (20min)
Human service organizations and intellectual disabilities - ORGID
Room P 216
› Human service organizations and intellectual disabilities - ORGID - Ineland Jens, Umea University (SWEDEN) - Martin Molin, University West in Trollhättan, Sweden - Lennart Sauer, Umea University (SWEDEN) - Jan Hjelte, Department of support and development at Umeå Municipality
15:45-16:45 (1h)
› Cripping the Future: Making Disability Count - Faye Ginsburg, Department of Anthropology, New York University - Rayna Rapp, Department of Anthropology, New York University
09:00-10:00 (1h)